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Bijeenkomst van lotgenoten die kampen met depressie
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Mijn verhaal en een gedicht (Engels)

(Dit bericht is het laatst bewerkt op 20-01-2018, 21:00 door ScarsTellAstory.)

Here on my arm lies a mark that I made.
When I was so low, I cut with a razorblade.
To punish my body for being a mess,
To punish myself for being useless.

That seeing these scars left on my arm.
Makes me realize I was in a place of no rest.
I feel guilty inside for leaving these scars.
Now I will see and remember that I was so broken.

But seeing these scars helps me see
That I survived so much trauma and now I am free.
So I ask you now to stand with me and fight,
To show all these demons what they're doing is not right.

You won the battle of good versus bad.
You are still alive and are no longer sad.
Here on my arm lies a mark of survival.
I got through my hate and beat my self-rival

This is my story when I disappointed myself of fucking it up with a girl I really loved and still love. She was there always for me and I thought I fucked up, but she gave me another chance.but I already had cut it hurted me and her. But my scars will tell a story forever I will never forget it. Love will save you.
I hope this will help you guys never cut it will fuck up your life.
All these feelings are demons that want to kill you they want to make your life worse.
If you cut or have suicide thoughts, please search for help try to tell it to a trusted person and maybe search for a therapy.


Indrukwekkend mooi gedicht. I wish you all the best!

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